Meron Ayne
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About Me

About Picture

I'm Meron Ayne

I am a motivated and enthusiastic full stack web developer with a passion for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. I have a solid foundation in both front-end and back-end development, and I thrive in collaborative team environments.

Age : 25
Location : Washington, DC
Degree : Master
Skype : meronayne
Phone : 888-888-8888

My Services

Graphic Design

Professional and comprehensive graphic design solutions that encompass branding, logo design, print materials, and digital assets, tailored to captivate audiences and enhance brand identity....

Full Stack Web Development

Both front-end and back-end technologies to create dynamic and responsive websites, from designing intuitive user interfaces to implementing robust server-side functionality, I strive to deliver seamless web experiences that meet the needs of businesses and users alike...

Media Marketing

Strategic media marketing services that leverage data-driven insights and creative campaigns to maximize brand exposure, engage audiences, and drive business growth...


Innovative advertising services that employ compelling visuals, persuasive messaging, and strategic targeting to effectively reach and engage the target audience, driving brand awareness and conversion....

Game Development

Creative game development services that combine captivating storytelling, immersive gameplay, and cutting-edge technology to deliver memorable gaming experiences across platforms


Data-driven analytics services that provide actionable insights, meaningful metrics, and comprehensive reporting to optimize performance, drive informed decision-making, and achieve business objectives

My Resume

My Expertises

My Experience
Full stack Web Developer
2015 - Present | Google

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

Graphic Designer
2013 - 2015 | Facebook Inc.

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

UI/UX Developer
2011 - 2013 | Envato.

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

My Education
Master in Web Development

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

Evangadi University

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

Life University

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

Design Skills
Web Design
Graphic Design
Logo Design
Coding Skills
HTML,CSS, and JavaScript
Node.js,PHP, and Python
MySQL and MongoDb

My Works

  • All
  • Slideshow
  • Video
  • Mockups
  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

  • Some work

Kind Words


"consistently delivers exceptional results, combining technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and a keen eye for design to elevate our online presence and drive business growth"

Adugna Bekele, Founder of Evangadi Network

"consistently delivers exceptional results, combining technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and a keen eye for design to elevate our online presence and drive business growth"

Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple

"consistently delivers exceptional results, combining technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and a keen eye for design to elevate our online presence and drive business growth"

Elon Musk, Founder Space X

"consistently delivers exceptional results, combining technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and a keen eye for design to elevate our online presence and drive business growth"

Bill Gates, Founder of MS

"consistently delivers exceptional results, combining technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and a keen eye for design to elevate our online presence and drive business growth"

Dave, Professor at Evangadi

Let's work together!

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